Antisemitic Fairy Tales
The Perfect Weapon
Can the Grimm’s Fairy Tales indeed be used as antisemitic weapon? Yes, they
can – at least some of them (most not). (But there were others that came
It is known that the Grimm Brothers wrote disrespectfully about the Jews
(the following examples taken from the cited book by Oliver Geister).
Double portrait of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. © Stadt Kassel (only
for editorial use).
alle Judenwörter, wenn wir sie in unserem christlichen Sprachhaushalt brauchen
wollen, klingen unedel und schmutzig: sie rühren aus dem gemeinen Umgang mit dem schachernden, wuchernden, trödelnden,
fleischschächenden Volke her.
... all Jewish words, if
we want to use them in our Christian linguistic household (vocabulary treasure
chest), sound ignoble and dirty: they stem from the common interaction with the
haggling, usurious, dawdling, Shechita-practicing people.
bemerke nur, dass die Juden immer mehr überhand nehmen, ganze Tische und Plätze
sind damit angefüllt, da sitzen sie mit der ihnen eigenen Unverschämtheit,
fressen Eis und legen es auf ihre dicken und wulstigen Lippen, dass einem alle
Lust nach Eis vergeht. Getaufte Juden sind auch nicht zu sehen, aber erst in
der 5ten oder 6ten Generation wird der
Knoblauch zu Fleisch.
I only notice that the Jews are getting more and more out of hand, whole
tables and places are filled with them, there they sit with their own (idiosyncratic)
impudence, eat ice cream and put it on their thick, bulgy lips, so that one
loses all desire for ice cream. Baptized Jews are also not to be seen, but only
in the 5th or 6th generation does garlic turn into meat.
musste ein Huhn essen, das so zäh und hartherzig war wie ein alter Jud
I had to eat a chicken that was as tough and hard-hearted as an old Jew.
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