
Showing posts from August, 2021

Ciphered Bodies - Disciplined Bodies

As an addendum to what I have written before, I would like to write down some of the aspects Annette Peller pointed out in her book ‘ Chriffierte Körper – Disziplinierte Körper. Female Genital Cutting. Rituelle Verwundung als Statussymbol’.   To my knowledge, there is no English translation of the book. The title would probably read as follows: Ciphered Bodies - Disciplined Bodies. Female genital cutting. Ritual wounding as a status symbol ' . The book represents her PhD thesis and was written in 2000. First, Annette Peller prefers to use the word ‘ Excision ’ instead of cutting or mutilation, since it is somewhat more neutral and the term is better able to handle certain aspect of ritual wounding. Annette Peller did much of her research while living with the Arbore and other ethnic groups in Southern Ethiopia. A girl or woman who wants to undergo such body modifications (or ritual punishments, like flogging) must be willing and able to endure strong pain and to accept ...