
Showing posts from April, 2021

Selected Fairy Tale related Literature

References for Antisemitism in Fairy Tales Oliver Geister: Märchen in dunklen Zeiten (2021- Geschichte des Märchens im „Dritten Reich“ The Brothers Grimm and Anti-Semitism (in German) Judenhass der Brüder Grimm - Eine lange Liste antisemitischer Textstellen (Archiv) (   Fairy Tale: Der Jude im Dorn (The Jew in the Thorns) – in German Antisemitismus in Märchen - der Jude im Dorn - history and fairytales   Fairy Tale: The Good Cloth (in German) Seite:Kinder und Hausmärchen (Grimm) 1812 II 361.jpg – Wikisource - DER GUTE LAPPEN   Collection of Fairy Tales Kinder- und gesammelt du : Grimm, Jacob, 1785-1863 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Little Red Riding Hood

  Little Red Riding Hood Another example of NAZI interpretation. In Little Red Riding Hood (Rotkäppchen ) the girl symbolizes the poor German Volk , and the evil Wolf the Jews . And guess who the Hunter was? By Jessie Willcox Smith (1863 – 1935), Public Domain, By Gustave Doré, Public Domain, And not so surprisingly, the NAZIs even invented new Fairy Tale! There is so much more to say, e.g. that Hitler was a fanatic viewer of movies, in particular Fairy Tales (especially S now White (Schneewittchen) ) and Disney’s Micky Maus Comics (!). On December 22, 1937, Goebbels wrote in his diary: Ich schenke dem Führer 30 Klassefilme der letzten 4 Jahre und 18 Micky-Maus-Filme … zu Weihnachten. Er freut sich sehr...

NAZI changed Fairy Tales

NAZI changed Fairy Tales If a fairy tale did not fit or allow what was believed to be a proper German/NAZI interpretation, it would be altered. Example: Hansel an d Gretel Von Ludwig Richter - Hänsel und Gretel Illustration für das Märchen / Gemeinfrei, We all know this Fairy Tale. But it was a problem for the NAZIs, for could a good German mother speak to her husband:  "You know what, man," replied the woman, "we want to take the children out early in the morning into the forest, where it is the thickest. We'll make them a fire and give each of them a piece of bread, then go we get to our work and leave them alone. They cannot find their way home and we are rid of them. "  - "No, woman," said the man, "I don't; how can I bring myself to leave my children alone in the forest! The wild animals would soon come and tear them apart." - "Oh, you fool," she said, "then ...


Richilde turns Show White When the Grimms wrote Schneewittchen (Snow White ), they knew an earlier version (called Richilde ) written by Karl August Musäus (1735-1787) – see underneath (it’s a long story) – but they omitted one of the main actors, a Jewish docto r, who was inherently pious and didn’t want to commit murder crime.  Karl August Musäus.  By User Manu on de.wikipedia - Originally from de.wikipedia; description page is (was) here17:16, 10. Okt 2004 Manu 200 x 276 (20.767 Byte), Public Domain, Fairy Tale Richilde The story is unbelievably lengthy with lots of side stories. But finally, Richilde becomes stepmother of a beautiful girl named Bianca  who lives at one of the former places of Richilde's new husband.  Now, Richilde was extraordinarily vain and for that she used a magical mirror that could prove that she was and still is the most beautiful - as in the later fairy tale the stepmother of Sn...